Detailed Syllabus and Lectures

Lecture 11: Large Language Models (slides)

GPT-3, understanding in-context learning, scaling laws, Llama 3, other LLMs, long context models

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 10: Pretraining Language Models (slides)

introduction to language models (LMs), history of neural LMs, pretrained LMs, encoder-based, decoder-based and encoder-decoder based pretraining

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 9: Graph Neural Networks (slides)

graph structured data, graph neural nets (GNNs), GNNs for ”classical” network problems

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 8: Attention and Transformers (slides)

content-based attention, location-based attention, soft vs. hard attention, self-attention, attention for image captioning, transformer networks, vision transformers

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 7: Recurrent Neural Networks (slides)

sequence modeling, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), RNN applications, vanilla RNN, training RNNs, long short-term memory (LSTM), LSTM variants, gated recurrent unit (GRU)

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 6: Understanding and Visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks (slides)

transfer learning, interpretability, visualizing neuron activations, visualizing class activations, pre-images, adversarial examples, adversarial training

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 5: Convolutional Neural Networks (slides)

convolution layer, pooling layer, cnn architectures, design guidelines, semantic segmentation networks, addressing other tasks

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 4: Training Deep Neural Networks (slides)

data preprocessing, weight initialization, normalization, regularization, model ensembles, dropout, optimization methods

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 3: Multi-layer Perceptrons (slides)

feed-forward neural networks, activation functions, chain rule, backpropagation, computational graph, automatic differentiation, distributed word representations

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 2: Machine Learning Overview (slides)

types of machine learning problems, linear models, loss functions, linear regression, gradient descent, overfitting and generalization, regularization, cross-validation, bias-variance tradeoff, maximum likelihood estimation

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Suggested Video Material:

Additional Resources:

Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep Learning (slides)

course information, what is deep learning, a brief history of deep learning, compositionality, end-to-end learning, distributed representations

Please study the following material in preparation for the class:

Required Reading:

Additional Resources: